
Okay you got us. We're not real. It's sad but true. You can't go to Australia to see dinosaurs. Well, you can if you like parrots and emus. But the Thomas Henry Huxley Paleozoological Gardens does not exist. This website and the place it represents are fake. Even the privacy policy is a sham - this website doesn't take anything you put in the forms.

Huxley Paleozoo is the creation of a group of paleontology enthusiasts, artists, and zoologists. We're basically doing this because it's fun. We do not wish to deceive - we'd be surprised but flattered if anyone thought this place actually existed. The information regarding de-extinction and the animal profiles are filled with mostly accurate, scientific information, because we want this to be a somewhat educational project.

If you wish to contact the people behind this project, email us at huxley.paleozoo@gmail.com (the "behind the scenes" email). Or info@huxley-paleozoo.org, that's a real email address.