

Utahraptor is the largest and chunkiest dromaeosaurid. Originally known from fragmentary fossils and thought to be basically a big Deinonychus, it's now known to be robust, stocky, and short-legged, moreso than most other dromaeosaurids. Consequently, it is pretty slow but pretty strong, like its relative Achillobator.

Utahraptor was a predator, probably an ambush predator of other dinosaurs. The most interesting Utahraptor-related find is a fossilized predator trap, currently in the process of being excavated, that preseves multiple Utahraptors of varying ages, and some iguanodonts (presumably prey) stuck in quicksand.

Our Utahraptor, Helen, lives in the Raptor! exhibit. She's one of our less friendly dinosaurs, not one you want to mess with.

Scientific name
Utahraptor ostrommaysorum

Cedar Mountain Formation
Utah, United States

126 Ma; Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

6.4 meters (21 feet)

Other dinosaurs