
The dinosaur that everyone knew as Troodon, Stenonychosaurus is one of the larger troodontids. Its skull has leaf-shaped teeth - odd, because these are more like herbivore teeth than the finely-serrated teeth of most other theropods. Its wings are short, and its legs are long and have arctometatarsi ("shock-absorber" metatarsals). Like dromaeosaurids, it has sickle-shaped claws on the second toes.

Stenonychosaurus has large, forward-facing eyes, indicative of depth perception and an at least partially nocturnal lifestyle. It has one of the proportionally largest brains of any non-avian dinosaur - although it doesn't hold a candle relative to the smartest birds today.

Stenonychosaurus is omnivorous - its wide jaws, leaf-shaped teeth, and stereoscopic vision are commonly found in herbivorous or omnivorous animals. They brood their nests in a similar way to modern ostriches. Babies could probably take care of themselves immediately after hatching, and they reach maturity in 3-5 years.

Our Stenonychosaurus live in the Nocturnal House. They're technically cathemeral - active during both day and night. They keep us on our toes!

Scientific name
Stenonychosaurus inequalis

Dinosaur Park Formation
Alberta, Canada

76 Ma; Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

2.4 meters (7.9 feet)

0.9 meters (3 feet)

50 kg (110 lbs)

Small vertebrates, insects, worms, eggs, fruits, seeds, and ferns