
Lycaenops is a rather small gorgonopsian, at only a meter long. Its skull, like other gorgonopsians, is long, slender, and boxy. It has enlarged canine teeth, like many later synapsids. It has an elongate body with relatively short limbs, positioned directly under the body. Its feet are five-toed and plantigrade (flat on the ground). Lycaenops was a predator of smaller animals, ppotentially including other synapsids.

Our three Lycaenops can be found in Synapsid Alley.

Scientific name
Lycaenops ornatus

Beaufort Group
Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, and Western Cape, South Africa

260-251 Ma; Late Permian (Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian)

1 meter (3 feet)

Smaller animals