
Black Beauty

Argentavis is the heaviest flying bird known, as well as one of the tallest. Its massive, well-muscled wings rival Pelagornis for the largest wingspan of any bird. Being as large as it is, it'd have taken off primarily from cliffs, and used rising thermal currents to glide like modern vultures.

Argentavis ate meat. It was probably capable of dispatching reasonably-sized mammalian prey, being able to swallow prey the size of a large rabbit, but probably would have gotten around fine scaring other predators away from their kills. A mixed diet of live prey and carrion is likely. Its strong legs indicate Argentavis spent a lot of time on the ground.

Our Argentavis lives in the Cenozoic South America section.

Scientific name
Argentavis magnificens

Andalhuala Formation
Catamarca, Argentina
Epecuen Formation
Buenos Aires and La Pampa, Argentina

9-6.8 Ma; Miocene (Tortonian-Messinian)

5-6 meters (16-20 feet)

Small vertebrates, carrion