Our mission: to counter the Holocene Extinction.

Founded in 2007, the International De-Extinction Alliance is a global non-governmental organization dedicated to fighting the current extinction crisis. We act as a unified framework to facilitate collaboration between institutions worldwide towards this common goal. Using modern genetics and conservation techniques, our members strive to keep the earth's biodiversity aloft in a changing world. Together, we spearhead one of the largest and most ambitious conservation initiatives in the world.

Letters from the Director

Open letters from director Philip Zhao, to IDEA members and the world.

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Our member institutions span the globe, and have presences in over 50 countries.

List of members


  • April 26, 2019 - the Grimsey auk colony has begun to pair up, a little earlier than normal. Population biologist Maren Nielsen has suggested this might be due to climate change.
  • March 6, 2019 - Phil Lager and colleagues describe the Mosasaur louse (Gigacaligus mosasaurophilus), a parasitic sea louse found only on Huxley Paleozoo's Mosasaurus.

Background image by Julio Lacerda, courtesy of Studio 252MYA.