
This is a weird sauropod. Not only is it unusually small, only about as big as an elephant, its skull is ridiculous. Its skull is short, wide, and extremely downturned. The end of its snout is wider than the rest of its skull, and all the teeth are rotate to form horizontal batteries across the front of the skull and mandible. The batteries can number up to 500 teeth!

Nigersaurus's weird skull gives clues to its lifestyle. It has among the weakest bites of any dinosaur, and holds its skull low at a 67-degree angle to the ground. This indicates a diet of soft low-lying plants such as ferns, horsetails, and possibly aquatic plants.

Two Nigersaurus live in the African Swamp exhibit, sharing the exhibit with Ouranosaurus.

Scientific name
Nigersaurus taqueti

Elrhaz Formation
Agadez, Niger

119-99 Ma; Early-Late Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian)

9 meters (30 feet)

Soft plants